established by the De La Salle Brothers, Malaysia

Sekolang Menengah Kebangsaan La Salle, Petaling Jaya
Jalan Cantek, 46000 Petaling Jaya
La Salle School, Petaling Jaya, is a missionary school established by the De La Salle Brothers in 1959. The aim in building this new school was to ease tge pressure for places in St. John's Institution, Kuala Lumpur, which was rapidly expanding at the time as well as cater for the needs of the growing township. Its enrolment, however consists of all races regardless of their religions.
The school motto, 'SAPIENTA ET CARISTAS' is Latin for 'Wisdom and Love'.
The school was administered by the De La Salle Brothers until 1988. Since then, the heads have been lay individuals appointed by the Ministry of Education in consultation with the De La Salle Brothers in Malaysia.
The objectives of Old Lasallians Association, Peta;ing Jaya are to foster and promote unity amongst members; To foster and promote friendship, the spirit of goodwill, civic-consciousness and fellowship amongst its members; to plan activities for the physical, cultural, moral, intelletual and social development and advancement of its members; to provide organisational facilities and to encourage its members to participate in sporting and recreational activities; to work in cooperation the Principal, Board of Governors and its Parents Teachers Association of La Salle Petaling Jaya, for the physical development curricular and co-curricular achievements and cultural advancement of the pupils of the school.
The Association recognise that working hard hand in hand with the Board of Governors and the Alma Mater is the way of the future.
PRINCIPAL : Pn Teo Boon Hwa
TEL NO : +60379566200